Resume Memberships Feature

New Features
Alex Young

We have successfully enabled the Resume Membership feature along with some additional updates.

We firstly want to thank you all for being so patient while we built the resume membership feature. We are glad to announce that is it now ready for use.

If you paused any of your memberships at the start of COVID-19, you will now be able to resume them along with the option to *collect any missed payments and extend the end Date Of Purchase memberships for the amount of time it was paused.

You can find out more about this new feature HERE

*Please Note: If you choose to collect any of the missed payments, these will be added to the end of membership meaning that if you resume the membership today (July) and the you paused them for 3 months these payments will be added to the end of the membership as 3 installments that need to be taken meaning that their payments will stop in June.

We have also added another exciting feature, Bulk Changing Direct Debit Instalments. This feature will allow you to update your member's instalment payments which is handy if you have a continuous membership package and increase or decrease your fees each year.

You can find our more about this new feature HERE

We are aiming to continue to update all admins of future releases and updates along with any current issues that we are working on getting resolved. You can view them on the LTA Live Updates page . We will virtually 'high five' you if you could have a quick scan of the known bugs & issues listed below before contacting the support team. This helps to minimise duplicating support tickets and to answering your questions faster.

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